The new university hospital in Aalborg is one of Denmark’s six “Supersygehuse” and will be 170.000 m2 and hold 564 beds when finalised.
In 2019 Triagonal was brought on together with Dansign to design a full hospital wayfinding solution. Triagonal is developing the wayfinding systematics, the navigation principles and the graphic design for the solution while Dansign delivers the industrial design and handles production. The project is scheduled to finish in 2021.
Flow analysis and user journey testing have been important tools for investigating the different navigation principles and wayfinding systematics to find the best solution for the large hospital. Furthermore, the solution has been tested with both staff and end users.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all user tests were conducted successfully online using a video tour in a 3D environment created by Epiito. Later this year we will post an article describing the pros and cons of conducting user studies in wayfinding projects.